Oli on Ceramic
30 September 2007
22 September 2007
View from Indurta with Irakli Papashvili
Irakli has in his hands a loaf of his self made cheese of 7 or 8 kg. The view is from his shepherds camp site.
Ein Hoch auf Gott und Georgien
Link: http://www.spiegel.de/reise/fernweh/0,1518,473537,00.html
21 September 2007
Bed and Breakfast in Dshuta, Kazbegi District
B&B Jago Arabuli in Dshuta. Jago opened a small B&B in his house. Perfect for 6 guests, shower, great view and hospitality. Dshuta is a famous entrance to Khevsureti via the Arkhoty Pass or via the Roshka Pass. From Kazbegi goes a road to Dshuta of 18 km. Recommended time for stays: End of May- End of October. For bookings contact me at info@kaukasus-reisen.de
17 September 2007
Frühstück im Kaukasus

Zum Kennenlernen von Georgien, seinen beeindruckenden Landschaften, seinen wunderbaren Menschen und ihrer reichen Geschichte und Kultur

empfehle ich die Reise " Frühstück im Kaukasus"
mit den Etappen Tbilissi- Stepantsminda (Kazbegi)- David Garedschi- Weinregion Kachetien- Gori- Kutaissi- Schwarzes Meer, Batumi

mit Kaukasus-Reisen, weitere Informationen hier:
16 September 2007
Impressions from Yerevan
It just feels like Paris, except Paris misses the wonderful view to the two Ararat's and Yerevan misses the relaxing presence of the Seine. Of course Yerevan has the bigger cars and Off-Roaders, there are as many Hummers as are VWs in Germany.
Yerevan is perfect for a week of shopping and culture. And of course the amazing cuisine, which combines Armenian, Persian, Syrian, Greek, Georgian and European cuisine with a perfect arrangement and quite decent prices. The beer is perfect, the wine, the coffee, Taxi prices are as 1 Euro for short distances in the city, 2 for longer ways.
The problem are the many beautiful girls and women strolling along the boulevards and cafes, as it is difficult to bear that beauty and charm, especially if you are married already.
The town is full of Jazz, even there is a Courbet in the Museum of Fine Arts, there is a good collection of fine Dutch and Russian paintings, and there is Parajanov and a couple of good earlier Saryans. This city has taste and pop and culture and a bright nightlife.
To reach Yerevan from Tbilisi by car you need to plan 6 hours, plus 1 hour at the border, as the Checkpoint is still very slow and seems like old fashioned Soviet style. The best route is Tbilisi-Sadakhlo-Vanadzor-Dilidshan-Sevan- Yerevan.
It is definitely a top destination and I go there in November again. Thank you Yerevan !
"According to Armenian tradition, the name of Yerevan is derived from an expression exclaimed by Noah in Armenian while looking in the direction of Yerevan, after the ark had landed on Mount Ararat and after the flood waters had receded: "Yerevants!" ("it appeared!").[3] The more plausible theory on the origin of the name is that the city was named after the Armenian king, Yervand the Third (the Last), the last leader of the Orontid Dynasty and founder of the city of Yervandashat."
Free download of former Soviet Military Maps of Georgia by Geoland
15 September 2007
Gastatelier / Gästehaus in der georgischen Weinprovinz Kachetien

Ruhiges Gastatelier / Gästehaus in der georgischen Weinprovinz Kachetien
An Künstler, Schriftsteller, Dichter, Journalisten, Natur- und Weinliebhaber wochenweise zu vermieten:
Entspannendes kachetisches Dorfleben, Berge, Wein, Reiten, melodische Landschaften und eine weltberühmte Gastfreundschaft - das ist Ninigori am Fuße des Kaukasus. Die kachetische Region Lagodechi ist auch für seinen Reichtum an Vögeln und Pflanzen bekannt.
Vielleicht suchen Sie Ruhe, Besinnung, Inspiration, neue Erlebnisse oder wollen einfach nur ungestört arbeiten ? Kommen Sie in unser Gastatelier nach Ninigori und tanken Sie auf.
Kachetien ist die gastfreundlichste Region Georgiens, sicher, gemütlich und landschaftlich reizvoll.
Weitere Informationen hier:
The Museum of S. Parajanov
in Yerevan will bring you very close to the mysterious world of Sergei Parajanov
here you find the website of the Museum:
and here a website dedicated to him
14 September 2007
06 September 2007
Some new interesting articles at Georgia Today
second, about how to wear the traditional Georgian "Chokha" by Ruso Strelkova
third, about a big, big loss for Tbilisi, the crack down of our flea market at Dry Bridge by Will Lasky
and fourth, about the Georgian Minority of the Dukhobor's, the Spirit Wrestlers, by
Hedvig Lohm & Ilia Ckhutishvili
Georgia Today: My favourite newspaper in Tbilisi !!
a wonderful "Snapshot of my Georgian Life" (in Tbilisi) by
Victoria Evangelina Belyavskaya, just wonderful:
03 September 2007
Bad customer service at Georgian Railway
Imagine, you want to buy that ticket tomorrow for the 9th (that's possible because tomorrow you are the max. 5 days in advance) and a return ticket on 12th back to Tbilisi...
it's impossible, because the return ticket you can get only from 7th.
Imagine, you want to buy those tickets not for yourself, but for your friends in Telavi, that's impossible at all, because you need their passports for that (the name on the ticket should be identified by passport) or they just should come the hell themselves to Tbilisi and buy it on their own.
Seeing Old Tbilisi's history with Lika Karalashvili
Dear Guests of Tbilisi,
If you wish to look round the old historical city and walking along its streets to feel it's unique charm and learn about it's historical heritage: Contact us!
Our guides show you in a round walk the most interesting places; including stories about the foundation of Tbilisi and the adoption of Christianity in Georgia.
You can travel in the past of Tbilisi, see a heart of the city where Orthodox, Catholic and Georgian churches, mosque and synagogue are proudly side by side.
The classic round walk tour takes 3 hours and costs depending on the group size from 15 USD (5 plus participants) up to 24 USD (for a single participant)
Lika Karalashvili
02 September 2007
4 crazy Mountainbikers, 1 Georgian and 3 Germans, crossing some of the highest passes in Khevsureti
Sagrdzele Pass from Dshuta to Roshka, 3050 m. Photo: Rolf Hoffmann
In the Chaukhi Valley behind Dshuta. Photo: Rolf Hoffmann