How nice are Georgian letters...
John H. Wurdeman and his Georgian artist collegues
David Beraia and
Shergil Pirtskhelani opened the
Old Town Studios in Sighnaghi, a logical next step in the creation of a vivid art scene in Kakheti/Kisiki. Read the article at
Georgia Today hereLado Burduli and
Michael Wiederhold working on centralizing and promoting independent Rock Bands from the whole Caucasus Region on
http://www.georgiatoday.ge/article_details.php?id=2478&cat=Culture&version=347The Rock from the Caucasus got also its own website on
http://www.caucasusrocks.net/and gives some songs to hear of the bands here
http://www.caucasusrocks.net/bands/Sergi Gvarjaladze manages the first Music Magazin for Georgia,
OzoniIf you did not see enough snow this year, take look at the Flickr-tag
GudauriWe opened a
Google Group to all questions related to
recreation, culture, travel and leisure in Georgia. Have any question ? Please join our group here
http://groups.google.com/group/lets-go-to-georgia-sakartvelo?hl=deand post your question.
Best regards from Tbilisi,